SM002- Iresine Herbsteii/Blood Leaf Plant (Brazilian Tropical) Best in Southern Window or Outdoors ‘Spring, Summer, and Fall’ 11 Inches Tall

SM002- Iresine Herbsteii/Blood Leaf Plant (Brazilian Tropical) Best in Southern Window or Outdoors 'Spring, Summer, and Fall' 11 Inches Tall
Please note: This auction is under proxy bidding.
Ended at: 1387 days 13 hours 38 minutes 39 seconds ago
$5.00 USD

This auction has been sold to Igofish2 at $5.00 USD.

SM002- Iresine Herbsteii/Blood Leaf Plant (Brazilian Tropical) Best in Southern Window or Outdoors 'Spring, Summer, and Fall' 11 Inches Tall